Category: Uncategorized

New Year, New Me, a New Way – 5 Tips for Making Goals

If you are anything like me, you probably already have a list of goals, plans, and lifestyle changes made for the coming year. It’s exciting to dream about how life will change and improve – how you will become a more amazing version of… Continue Reading “New Year, New Me, a New Way – 5 Tips for Making Goals”

The Season of Change

Tonight was surprisingly special to me. I wasn’t expecting to get emotional during my swim, but as I rested in the cool water, I felt tears collecting in the corners of my eyes. 

Hoping for an Adventurous Year

  When many people choose their word for the year, it is a well thought out choice. It is often something that they particularly want to focus on or accomplish throughout the coming year. I seem to stumble onto my words, usually towards the end of December. A word (or words) seems to continuously pop up in unexpected ways and places. Last year had two words, much like the year before. This year however, has only one word. A word that I love and likely overuse, much to the annoyance to those around me. My word for 2022 is ADVENTURE.

5 Things I’m Trying to Reduce My Anxiety

My anxiety can make me feel like I’m drowning. Constantly being hit by wave after wave of life’s problems, I can’t seem to keep my head above all of the worry and stress. Even when it’s calm, I am anticipating the next swell, worrying about when I will be pushed under again. This summer, in particular, was hard for me, though I didn’t want to admit to myself how bad things had gotten. Surface distractions weren’t working anymore. My worries and tension were starting to seep into my swims, time in my veggie garden, and even video chats and online games with friends. The moment I wasn’t distracted by an activity, worries would completely consume me, and it was nearly impossible to climb out of the overwhelming sadness that accompanied my anxious thoughts.  I need to get to a place where I can stop worrying about the coming swells, and learn instead to play in the waves. 

45. Go For a polar Bear Dip – done!

  My 32nd birthday really snuck up on me this year. Time has been flying by and I have started to get concerned about my ability to complete the items on my 40 Before 40 bucket list – and my left over 30 Before 30 list items. Already two years into my 10 year limit, I started to feel the pressure to scratch something, ANYTHING, off my list. With Spring in the air, and the ice showing signs of pulling away from the shore, I knew it was finally time to do a polar bear dip.

Was it Wild and Fearless? A review of my 2020.

Oh man, what a year. The funny thing is, I feel like I say that every year. Each year comes with joys and trials and this one was no exception. Like many others, I grieved cancelled travel plans and lost time with friends and family. But with much reduced abdominal pain this year thanks to surgery at the end of January, I was able to enjoy things as simple as going for walks, or shovelling snow again. This year was far from what I had been expecting and it may seem like the words I chose to represent my year might not quite fit, but I found that my year was more wild and fearless than I thought it would be.

Halloween Fun

Summer and fall were pretty dry seasons – creativity wise – for me. I was spending most of my time outside and really didn’t feel much like writing. As colder weather sets in, I find myself fitting back into more creative pastimes. And for the last week I had a lot of fun with my favourite October activity, pumpkin carving!

7 Reasons I Deleted My Dating Apps

Sure I’ve heard the stories of people finding their future spouse online. If it could happen for them, it could happen for me . . . right? So I downloaded many, many apps. Tinder, Bumble, Eharmony, Facebook Dating, Hinge, FTH, and Match were all on my phone at one point or another, though I never paid for extra features. Nearly a year and a half after I first started, I made the decision to delete all of my apps, and here are the reasons why.

How to Make the Most of an Isolated Birthday

Honestly, I was expecting a pretty horrible birthday this year. Being in isolation meant no time with friends, no going out for something special, no connections with anyone outside of my house. Oddly, it was one of the best birthday’s I’ve had in a while.

Learning to Love my Bikini

Finding a well fitting one-piece bathing suit for most women is difficult. Being over 6’ tall with different sizes on top and bottom, I have found it to be nearly impossible. Having to resort to a bikini was not something I always wanted to do. I have found that being comfortable in the water and being comfortable with what I have on my body are two very different things.